Fraser's Olive Garden Retreat


Facilities and Accommodation

Our accommodation consists of three forest houses located in the central part of the grounds, Each two storey building accommodates up to eight persons. in four double/twin rooms. In two buildings two rooms share a bathroom while in the third building each room has a private bathroom.

Adjacent to the accommodation buildings we have a large, purpose built hall which serves as a venue for all our services including:

  • Yoga Practice

  • Tibetan Bowl Sound Healing

  • Dance Therapy

  • Meditation

  • Breathing Therapy

Yoga is practiced each morning at 07:00 hrs. during the summer and at 07:30 during the winter. Everyone is welcome to join.

Meditation Loft
The loft of forest house No:3 serves as a Meditation Room which is accessed from a rock outcrop at the top end of the grounds. It is it has two large circular windows, one facing the Eastern rising sun and the other facing the Western setting sun.

Swimming Pool
Between the accommodation buildings and the Yoga chalet we have a small swimming pool that is available between April and October. The pool is an integral part of a very large circulatory water system that pumps water from the pool up to a waterfall at the top of the grounds that then travels down a stream, back to the pool.

Meditation Gazebo
In the grounds there are many quiet and private places for personal meditation. Adjacent to the Yoga Chalet there is a small gazebo, ideal for meditative contemplation. The climate in this region of Turkey results in very rapid growth of most plants resulting in rapid establishment of of the lawns and vegetable gardens.

Restaurant and Communal Kitchen
Our Restaurant and Kitchen are located adjacent to the main entrance, All meals are vegetarian and/or vegan with most of our vegetable coming either from our own gardens or from local markets. We can also accommodate special meal requests if ordered in advance.

Information about all the services we provide together with details of upcoming events are available on our INSTAGRAM channel and our other social media platforms below: Or you can make an initial contact HERE.


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  • Forest House No:1

  • Forest House No:2

  • Forest House No:3

  • Restaurant

  • Restrooms

  • Yoga Chalet